Asked by: Jianrong Hinseke
technology and computing data storage and warehousing

How do I delete downloaded files on my Samsung tablet?

  1. Open the Apps Tray. In most versions of Android, it isan icon with a matrix of dots located along the bottom ofthe screen.
  2. Tap Downloads. It will be among the Appsdisplayed, usually alphabetically.
  3. Tap and hold a file you want to delete.
  4. Tap the "Delete" icon.
  5. Tap DELETE.

Hereof, how do I delete downloaded files?

Click "Documents" on the left of the window and doubleclick "Downloads." If you do not have this folder, skip tothe next step. Press "Ctrl" and "A" to select all the downloadedfiles or just click the file you want to delete.Press "Delete," and click "Yes."

Secondly, where are my downloads on my Samsung tablet? 12 Answers. You ll see all the files youdownloaded. In most Android phones you can find yourfiles/downloads in a folder called 'My Files' althoughsometimes this folder is in another folder called 'Samsung'located in the app drawer. You can also search your phone viaSettings > Application Manager > AllApplications

Also Know, how do I delete files from my Android tablet?


  1. Open the File Manager app on your Android.
  2. Tap the ☰ icon on the top-left.
  3. Find and tap your device's name on the menu.
  4. Tap a folder to view its contents.
  5. Tap and hold the file you want to delete.
  6. Tap the.
  7. Tap OK in the confirmation pop-up.

Will deleting downloads delete files?

You can change it if you want, but the emptydirectory takes up no space, so there is really no need todelete the directory, itself. The download directoryreceives all kinds of files--documents and mediafiles, executables, software installation packages, etc.Those files remain there unless you move or deletethem.

Related Question Answers

Charlyn Klute


How do you find recently downloaded files?

To view the Downloads folder, open File Explorer,then locate and select Downloads (below Favorites on theleft side of the window). A list of your recently downloadedfiles will appear.

Jayme Magnier


How do I find my downloads on my phone?

  1. Open the app drawer. This is the list of apps on yourAndroid.
  2. Tap Downloads, My Files, or File Manager. The name of this appvaries by device.
  3. Select a folder. If you only see one folder, tap its name.
  4. Tap Download. You may have to scroll down to find it.

Gilmer Caramona


How do I clear my Downloads folder?

Select Finder from the Dock at the bottom of yourdesktop. In the window that appears, select Downloads fromthe list on the left side of the screen. Clear each of thedownload history entries by highlighting them and pressingDelete.

Dieguina Fisher


How do I delete downloaded PDF files?

Tap on “Document” and you will see thefile manager page. Tap and hold on the PDF file youwant to delete for 2 seconds until it can be selected. Tapthe icon (shown as three vertical dots) in top-right corner. Youwill see the delete button on the list, tap to deletePDFs.

Edvin Palencia


How do I delete multiple downloads?

If the items are still in the Downloads folder,open the Downloads folder in Finder. Select all or a groupof them (hold down Shift while clicking on each in turn to make amultiple selection). Then press Command-Delete(that's the large Delete key two rows aboveReturn).

Otilia Peng


What happens to deleted files in Android?

In fact, when you delete a file on theAndroid phone, it will not be completely deleted. Itis still stored in the phone's internal memory, and the space thatit used will be marked as readable. So when a file space isdeleted, new data is able to use its space at any time, andthen, overwrite the deleted data.

Oleg Terribas


How do I permanently delete files?

1Permanently Delete Files on Windows by Setting RecycleBin
  1. Right-click on the Recycle Bin from your desktop.
  2. Click on Properties and then choose the drive for which youwant to delete the data permanently.
  3. After selecting the drive, mark the option called "Don't movefiles to the Recycle Bin.

Nazrul Aporta


How do I permanently delete files from my Android?

Go to Settings > Backup & reset. Tap Factory datareset. On the next screen, tick the box marked Erase phonedata. You can also choose to remove data from the memory card onsome phones - so be careful what button you tapon.

Fayza Abalmasoff


How do I delete files on my phone?

On your phone, you can usually find your filesin the Files app. Important: You're using an older Androidversion. Some of these steps work only on Android 10 and up.

Delete files
  1. Open your phone's Files app .
  2. Tap a file.
  3. Tap Delete Delete. If you don't see the Delete icon, tap MoreDelete .

Maddie Tella


How do I free up space on my Android phone?

Free up storage
  1. Open your phone's Settings app.
  2. Tap Storage.
  3. Tap Free up space.
  4. To pick something to delete, tap the empty box on the right.(If nothing is listed, tap Review recent items.)
  5. To delete the selected items, at the bottom, tap Free up.

Bharti Schmitke


How do I free up storage on my Samsung tablet?

5 Ways to Free Up Space on Samsung Phone andTablet
  1. Delete Temporary Files.
  2. Uninstall Unnecessary Apps.
  3. Make Use of An External SD Card.
  4. Backup Old Data to Computer.
  5. Delete Downloaded and Miscellaneous Files.

Suiju Zschietzschmann


How do I restore deleted files on Android?

Recover Deleted Files from Android (Take Samsung as anExample)
  1. Connect Android to PC. To start with, install and run the phonememory recovery for Android on your computer.
  2. Allow USB Debugging.
  3. Choose File Types to Recover.
  4. Analyze Device and Get the Privilege to Scan Files.
  5. Preview and Recover Lost Files from Android.

Garazi Toneu


How do I download attachments on my Samsung tablet?

View or save attachments on the Galaxy Tab
  1. Touch the Preview button to witness the attachment on yourTab.
  2. Touch the View button to download and see the attachment.
  3. Touch the Save button to save the attachment without viewingit.
  4. Sometimes, pictures included in an e-mail message aren'tdisplayed.

Ettore Mcewan


How do I delete my files?

  1. Open the File Manager app on your Android.
  2. Tap the ☰ icon on the top-left.
  3. Find and tap your device's name on the menu.
  4. Tap a folder to view its contents.
  5. Tap and hold the file you want to delete.
  6. Tap the.
  7. Tap OK in the confirmation pop-up.

Shamara Marmelstein


How do I clean out my Samsung phone?

  1. Open your Galaxy's Settings app. Swipe down from the top ofyour screen, and tap the.
  2. Tap Device maintenance on the Settings menu.
  3. Tap Storage.
  4. Tap the CLEAN NOW button.
  5. Tap one of the file types under the USER DATA heading.
  6. Select all the files that you want to delete.
  7. Tap DELETE.

Aleksandre Sokolow


How can I increase my phone storage?

Quick Navigation :
  1. Method 1. Use Memory Card to Increase Internal Storage Space ofAndroid (Works Quickly)
  2. Method 2. Delete Unwanted Apps and Clean All the History andCache.
  3. Method 3. Use USB OTG Storage.
  4. Method 4. Turn to Cloud Storage.
  5. Method 5. Use Terminal Emulator App.
  6. Method 6. Use INT2EXT.
  7. Method 7.
  8. Conclusion.

Xiaoyu Laurie


How do you delete internal storage?

Free up storage
  1. Open your device's Settings app .
  2. Tap Storage.
  3. Tap Free up space.
  4. To pick something to delete, tap the empty box on the right.(If nothing is listed, tap Review recent items.)
  5. To delete the selected items, at the bottom, tap Free up.

Hoummad Batarrita


How do I find downloads on my Samsung Galaxy?

You ll see all the files you downloaded. In mostAndroid phones you can find your files/downloads in a foldercalled 'My Files' although sometimes this folder is inanother folder called 'Samsung' located in the app drawer.You can also search your phone via Settings > ApplicationManager > All Applications.