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Asked by: Jianrong Hinseke
technology and computing data storage and warehousingHow do I delete downloaded files on my Samsung tablet?
- Open the Apps Tray. In most versions of Android, it isan icon with a matrix of dots located along the bottom ofthe screen.
- Tap Downloads. It will be among the Appsdisplayed, usually alphabetically.
- Tap and hold a file you want to delete.
- Tap the "Delete" icon.
Hereof, how do I delete downloaded files?
Click "Documents" on the left of the window and doubleclick "Downloads." If you do not have this folder, skip tothe next step. Press "Ctrl" and "A" to select all the downloadedfiles or just click the file you want to delete.Press "Delete," and click "Yes."
Also Know, how do I delete files from my Android tablet?
- Open the File Manager app on your Android.
- Tap the ☰ icon on the top-left.
- Find and tap your device's name on the menu.
- Tap a folder to view its contents.
- Tap and hold the file you want to delete.
- Tap the.
- Tap OK in the confirmation pop-up.
You can change it if you want, but the emptydirectory takes up no space, so there is really no need todelete the directory, itself. The download directoryreceives all kinds of files--documents and mediafiles, executables, software installation packages, etc.Those files remain there unless you move or deletethem.