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Export to a file?
- Right-click a result set, a table, or a view, select Dump Data | To File.
- Right-click a query, click Execute to File and select the file type that you want to use for export (for example, Comma-separated (CSV)).
- On the toolbar, click the Dump Data icon ( ) and select To File.
Beside this, how do I export SQL results to CSV?
12 Answers
- Open SQL Server Management Studio.
- Go to Tools > Options > Query Results > SQL Server > Results To Text.
- On the far right, there is a drop down box called Output Format.
- Choose Comma Delimited and click OK.
Thereof, how do I export SQL query results to Excel?
SQL Server Management Studio – Export Query Results to Excel
- Go to Tools->Options.
- Query Results->SQL Server->Results to Grid.
- Check “Include column headers when copying or saving results”
- Click OK.
- Note that the new settings won't affect any existing Query tabs — you'll need to open new ones and/or restart SSMS.
Import the CSV files using the read_csv command. Assign the values imported from the CSV files into the tables using the to_sql command. Assign the SQL fields into the DataFrame. Export the final results into a CSV file using the to_csv command.