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Asked by: Zaima Trabado
business and finance bankruptcyHow do I file a lawsuit against someone who owes me money?
- Choose the right court. You must file yourlawsuitin a court that has jurisdiction over the incidentthat gave rise toyour claim.
- Gather your evidence.
- Compile information about the person who owesyoumoney.
- Check the statute of limitations.
- Consider consulting an attorney.
- Send a demand letter.
Also asked, can I sue someone who owes me money?
If someone (a debtor) owesyoumoney, you can sue (institute a civil actionagainst)him or her to recover the debt that he or she owesyou. Thismeans that you can have your debtor appear beforethe SmallClaims Court to try to make him or her returnyourmoney.
Similarly, you may ask, what do you do when someone owes you money?
If that doesn't work, take these steps to startcollectingmoney you are owed:
- Understand the Dynamics. The person who owes you moneyhasbroken his/her word.
- Remind Them About the Debt.
- Send a Letter.
- If All Else Fails, Get Your Lawyer to Write a Letter.
- 5. Make Sure the Lawyer's Letter Goes Out.
- Go to Court.
As to the cost of taking someone to smallclaimscourt, you'll generally pay a filing fee of less than $100that isrecoverable if you win. Meanwhile, each state will cap theamountyou are allowed to sue for. It typically rangesanywherefrom $2,000 to $10,000, according toLegalZoom.