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Asked by: Jaro Sampe
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do I fill my AC compressor with oil?
Likewise, people ask, how much oil do I put in my AC compressor?
For a new compressor, look up the specifications of your AC system. An average car might use a bit of oil (4 oz. ) and two cans of refrigerant R-134a (12 oz.)
People also ask, do I need to add oil when recharging AC?
You normally do this when recharging the system after replacing one of the major components. This is tricky. The service manual normally tells you how much refrigerant oil should be added with each major component replaced on the AC system. Off-the-shelf cans sometimes come with refrigerant oil in them as well.
Pulling a vacuum will not remove the oil. Most of the time unless you replace your compressor or accumulator you should not need to add oil.