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Asked by: Penni Paule
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow do I find a lost contact in my eye?
In this way, can you lose a contact in your eye and not feel it?
While you now know that it is not possiblefor your contact lens to get lost behind youreye, you may have still experienced the feeling ofthe lens being lost in your eye. You mayfeel this way after rubbing your eyes. Whenyou rub your eyes, it is possible for thecontact lens to loosen from your cornea.
Beside above, is my contact lens still in my eye?
For example, if you think the lens is stuck underyour upper eyelid, look down. Gently massage youreyelid and blink frequently to move the lens to thecenter of your eye so you can remove it. If necessary, rinseyour eye with sterile saline, multipurpose solution orrewetting drops to loosen the lens.
While lenses can become dislodged, and may evenget stuck under your eyelid, it's impossible for your lensesto get stuck entirely behind your eyes.