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Asked by: Detlef Indamendi
technology and computing smartphonesHow do I find Android support library version?
- Android Studio > Tools > Android > SDKManager
- Extras > Android Support Library: See the Rev. numbere.g. (21.0. 3).
Then, what is the Android support library?
The Android Support Library package is a set ofcode libraries that provide backward-compatible versions ofAndroid framework APIs as well as features that are onlyavailable through the library APIs. Each SupportLibrary is backward-compatible to a specific Android APIlevel.
- 7 Third-Party Dependencies Every Android Developer ShouldKnow.
- OkHttp (com.squareup.okhttp3:okhttp)
- GSON (
- Retrofit (com.squareup.retrofit2:retrofit)
- Glide (com.github.bumptech.glide:glide)
- Butter Knife (com.jakewharton:butterknife)
- Crashlytics (
Beside this, how do I know which version of Android Studio is installed?
Appearance & Behaviour > System Settings >Updates. Here, both the current version and the build numberare shown. While entering into the android studio project,Ontop of the Window you can see the version number. And lookat "Current Version", where it will tell you whichAndroid Studio version you are using.
1 Answer. When new versions of android are published,Google will have to support the older versions of android. SoAppCompat is a set of support libraries which can beused to make the apps developed with newer versions work with olderversions.