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Asked by: Buensuceso Friedhofen
technology and computing shareware and freewareHow do I find clipboard on iPad?
Thereof, how do you get to your clipboard on your iPad?
The text is saved to the clipboard. Opentheapplication where you want to paste the text. Place and holdyourfinger on the text box until the magnifying glass appears, andthenrelease your finger.
Likewise, how do I find my clipboard?
Just hit Ctrl+D to pop up Clipdiary, and you can viewthehistory of clipboard. You can not only viewtheclipboard history, but easily copy the items back totheclipboard or paste them directly to any application whenyouneed.
Delete Clipboard Data The iPhones keyboard will appear on the bottomofscreen. Press the space bar two times to generateemptyspace in the text field. Now, hold on the top of cursorand thenselect copy. These blank spaces will be copied ontoyourclipboard which will delete the last item copiedtothe clipboard.