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Asked by: Sevdalin Gayol
personal finance home insuranceHow do I find my old friends on myspace?
Then, can I find my old MySpace?
We've transferred photos over for all classic/old Myspace accounts. You can find them in the Mixes section of your profile. Unfortunately, if you cannot locate your old profile we will be unable to assist with retrieval since the old Myspace was never transferred to the new Myspace.
Also, how do I find my friends on MySpace?
To search for a user on MySpace, click the Search link at the top of your MySpace profile page and then choose your search method:
- Find a Friend allows you to find someone you're specifically searching for.
- Classmate Finder searches MySpace by School Name, Country, and State/Province.
Reset MySpace Login Information After you've regained access to your email account, you can reset your MySpace login information to get a new password. You'll visit the MySpace login page and click the "Forgot Password?" option. Fill in the field for either your email address or MySpace username.