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Asked by: Arun Osthovener
technology and computing browsersHow do I find out my data allowance on o2?
In this regard, how do I check my o2 data allowance?
Sign in, go to My Allowances and chooseData. You'll see a breakdown of all the datayou've used and what's left. Alternatively, sign in to your MyO2 account online. To help you stay on top of your datausage, we'll text you when you've reached 80% of yourallowance and again when you've reached 100%.
- You can keep an eye on allowances and spend by looking at howmuch each person has used so far that month.
- In the My O2 Business bill analyser, select the mobile numberyou want in the Account management tab.
- Click on Tariffs and recent charges at the top, and at thebottom right choose View recent charges.
Additionally, how can I see how much data I have left?
To view your data usage, tap Settings >Data. You can Set mobile data limit on this screen.For more detail, tap Settings > Connections >Data usage. Swipe up to see how much data your appsuse, ordered from most to least.
First, head to your iPhone's settings app. Tap on"Cellular," then scroll down to "Cellular Data Usage."You'll see your data usage (sending and receiving) over thecellular network for the current period, as well as call time inthe section above it.