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Asked by: Minka Bilro
real estate real estate renting and leasingHow do I find out who owns a business in California?
Similarly, how do you find the owner of a business in California?
Locate the “Business Search” page on the website of California's secretary of state (see Resources). Click the “Search Type” radio button next to “Limited Liability Company/Limited Partnership Name.” Type the name of the LLC in the box next to “Entity Name or Number.” Click the “Search” button.
- Call the company.
- Check the company's Web site.
- Search Better Business Bureau reports.
- Search the state's database of registered businesses.
- Query business information search engines and social networks.
- Call the local agency responsible for licensing the business.
Considering this, how do I look up a business in California?
In order to perform a California LLC Search, navigate to the Business Search page on the California Secretary of State's site and select the Limited Liability Company/Limited Partnership Name option.
Form LLC-12 helps the state to track changes in addresses, agents, managers, and members of Limited Liability Companies. The form, formerly called LLC-12R, is also known as the Statement of Information, or SOI, form. The California Secretary of State requires all LLCs to submit this form every two years.