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Asked by: Beate Qualunque
business and finance real estate industryHow do I find real estate records?
You can find many property records bysearchingonline. In the US, try searching for the zip code in thePublicRecords Online Directory to find a property'staxrecords. Alternatively, go to the local TaxAssessor'soffice and give them the owner's name or propertyaddress.Property deeds are often availableonline.
Hereof, are real estate records public?
Since our government is “by the people, forthepeople,” that means that all government recordsareopen to the public. It is easy to find mostpublicrecords about a home, including the deed, title, andlegaldescription or land survey of a property.
Also to know, how do I find out history of a property?
Here are 8 ways to find out the history ofyourhome.
- The National Registry of Historic Places.
- Ask your Realtor.
- Look up old census records.
- Visit a local library, historical society orpreservationfoundation.
- Explore the home and yard for clues.
- Conduct a title search.
- Read books on the area.
- Ready to move?
Go to Tax Assessor's office, which will likelybelocated in a county government building. Request thepropertytax records for a specific property. Youmight be askedto fill out a written request. You'll need thepropertyaddress to make your request.