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Asked by: Sajadeva El Hammouchi
technology and computing smartphonesHow do I find the IMEI number on my Android tablet?
- Open the Applications tab and tap Settings.
- Tap About Phone or About Tablet.
- Tap Status, and then scroll down to find the IMEIcode.
Considering this, do tablets have IMEI number?
Since the tablet doesn't have a phone, ithas no IMEI number, which is the International MobileEquipment Identity number. Your tablet isn't a mobilephone, it's just a little computer. Since the tablet doesn'thave a phone, it has no IMEI number, which is theInternational Mobile Equipment Identity number.
Additionally, how do I find out my IMEI number?
You can find your IMEI by opening yourdialer and typing *#06# using the keypad. From theSettings menu, the number is also found in Settings >About Device > Status. How can I find the IMEI code formy a phone that was lost?
Serial number is a device identifier and isrelated to manufacturer company. Some manufacturer use IMEIas a Serial Number their device, because IMEI is onlya unique number and no other phone in this world can havethe same IMEI number. Serial number may be same forother manufacturer devices, in some cases.