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Asked by: Shona Lolos
books and literature art and photography booksHow do I find the value of antique books?
Look inside the book and identifythebook's publisher - complete the publisher field but leaveoutterms like limited, company or press. If possible identifythebook's date of publication. Complete the date fields - ifyouhave identified the exact year of publication then put thesamedate into both fields.
Then, how do I sell old books?
Here's where to sell used books, whether onlineorin-person.
We've got options for selling textbooks, as well ashardcoversand paperbacks.
- BookScouter. I like to start with
- Half Price Books.
- Amazon.
- Powell's Books.
- Online Buy Back Programs.
- Your local indie.
Correspondingly, are the Little Golden Books worth anything?
Since most Little Golden Books were openedandenjoyed by readers, uncirculated books must be inpristine,mint condition and are considered rare andvaluable. Forinstance, in the Collecting LittleGolden Book's onlinestore, an uncirculated, 1st edition copy ofLittle Mommysells for $150.
20 Iconic Books You Probably Own That Are Now Worth A LOTOfMoney!
- Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone (1997),J.K.Rowling.
- The Cat in the Hat (1957) Dr.
- The Hound of the Baskervilles (1902), Arthur Conan Doyle.
- The Bible (1600 – 1630)
- The Jungle Book and The Second Jungle Book (1894-1895)RudyardKipling: