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Asked by: Hajar Fogelson
technology and computing tablets and e readersHow do I fix a frozen Samsung tablet?
In this manner, how do you unfreeze a Samsung tablet?
Once your tablet is off, press and hold thePowerbutton and the Volume Up button at the same time, then releasethePower button when the Samsung logo appears and releasetheVolume Up button when the Android logo appears. SelectWipedata/factory reset.
- Press and hold the Power/Lock button (located on the topedge;first button from the left when held in landscape)forapproximately 20 seconds or until the device power cycles.
- Press the Power/Lock button again for 2-3 seconds to restartthedevice.
Likewise, people ask, how do you unfreeze a tablet?
The first thing you can do is hold your powerbuttonlonger than usual so about 30 seconds should do it. After youwatchit completely turn off. Let it rest for about a minute. Afteryoucan restart your tablet normally by pressing thepowerbutton.
If your device freezes or hangs, you may needtoclose apps or turn off the device and turn it on again. Ifyourdevice is frozen and unresponsive, press and hold thePowerbutton and the Volume button down simultaneously for more than7seconds to restart it.