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Asked by: Batoul Pfeifferer
technology and computing laptopsHow do I fix a stuck spacebar on my Mac?
No parts specified.
- Step 1 How To Fix Sticky Keyboard Keys onaMacBook.
- Dip a q-tip in isopropanol, and wipe aroundeachsticky key.
- Use a toothpick to remove crumbs or debris fromunderthe sticky keys.
- Now test out your keys.
- Use a spudger or plastic opening tool to pry upstickykeys.
Herein, why does my spacebar not work?
Why spacebar will not work Hardware problem could be caused by mechanicalorelectrical damage to the spacebar key, or because of useofoutdated or bad drivers. Software issues can be causedbymalware, or bugs in input devices utilities ordriverconflict.
Likewise, people ask, why are my keyboard keys sticking?
Just as you're typing the last words of yourquarterlyreport, one of your keyboard keys startssticking.Sticky keys can happen because of dirt anddebris in thekeyboard, but they can also be a result ofspilled drinks orother stickiness. The solutions below address bothof theseproblems.
No parts specified.
- Step 1 How To Fix Sticky Keyboard Keys on a MacBook.
- Dip a q-tip in isopropanol, and wipe around eachstickykey.
- Use a toothpick to remove crumbs or debris from under thestickykeys.
- Now test out your keys.
- NEW.
- Use a spudger or plastic opening tool to pry upstickykeys.