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Asked by: Alexia Ullen
technology and computing video softwareHow do I fix choppy video on my laptop?
Besides, why does my computer stutter when playing videos?
Most computers have programs running in the background.Each of these programs take some of your overall system resources,which if already limited, can cause your computer to becomeslow, causing videos to stutter.
- Disable gaming option in Windows 10 which is available in thesettings.
- Reinstall the games sometimes solve the problem.
- Check your game settings.
- You can turn off Full Screen Optimization.
- Disable Diagtrack service.
- Disable antivirus while gaming.
- Run SFC on your computer.
Subsequently, one may also ask, why is my live stream so choppy?
Insufficient CPU: Ensure additional programs are notrunning in the background or accessing the Internet (ie iTunes,Skype, YouTube, etc). Your stream can become choppyif your CPU usage is so high that it causes your computer toslow down. This can affect both the broadcaster streamquality and viewer stream quality.
Videos that don't run properly in videosoftware or a web browser may be caused by either hardware orsoftware problems. A sub-par video card, RAM orcomputer processor and sometimes even outdated videoplayers and old software drivers can cause problems such as thevideo playing out of sync with the audio.