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Asked by: Dansk Riedelsheimer
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow do I fix Comcast weak or no signal?
In this manner, why does my Xfinity say no signal?
First, ensure TV's input is on the cable input. If that is okay, reboot the cable box to reinitialize service. If that does not work, call into Comcast at 1-800-266-2278 or 1-800-934-6489 and speak with a CSR about sending authorizations to that cable box.
Subsequently, question is, what does it mean when TV says weak or no signal?
The No Signal, No Source or No Input message will appear on your television screen when the television is not receiving a signal from your Digital Box. This is often a result of either the Digital Box being powered off, not being properly connected to the TV or if the TV is set to the wrong input.
A weak or inconsistent cable TV signal usually indicates that something is wrong with the wiring or the signal itself. If you have a loose connector, the signal will leak and you will have trouble viewing channels from time to time, or you might have trouble with Internet access. Make sure each connector is tight.