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Asked by: Tammera Rovisco
automotive auto insuranceHow do I get a copy of a police report online NYC?
Consequently, are police reports available to the public?
Police Reports. Police investigatecrimesand arrest people, but they do not charge people withcrimes.Police records thus are not part of the court system,anddocuments like arrest reports orcrime/incidentreports kept at police departments arenot presumedto be open to the public as courtrecordsare.
- You must provide the date of the crash/accident and thecountywhere the crash/accident occurred and at least one ofthefollowing:
- Accident reports are certified copies.
Also asked, how do I get a police accident report in NYC?
You may request a report in person or by mail.Tomake a request in person, go to the precinct wheretheaccident occurred. You should bring a valid form ofpictureidentification, such as a driver's license or passport. NewYorkState provides reports of accidents thathappenedmore than 30 days ago.
Method 1 Filing a Report in Person
- Locate the nearest police department.
- Gather information about the incident you want to report.
- Bring your ID to confirm your identity.
- Visit the police department during regular business hours.
- Talk to an officer about the incident.
- Get a copy of the report.