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Asked by: Yunjie Gilchrist
technology and computing emailHow do I get a Facebook message to deliver?
Also asked, why is my FB message sent but not delivered?
Message sent means it has sent from yourside. And deliver means it has reach to recipient side. Ifyour message is not delivering that means problem ison recipient side. It could be server problem, internet problem,their settings problem, anything.
Furthermore, what's the difference between sent and delivered on FB Messenger?
"Sent" means that Facebook Messenger hasreceived your message at its servers, and can now deliver itto the recipient. "Delivered" means the message has beendownloaded on a device where the recipient can now get and view themessage, such as on the person's phone.
Actually, iMessage not saying“Delivered” simply means the messages hasnot yet been successfully delivered to therecipient's device due to some reasons. Reasons could be: theirphone not having available Wi-Fi or cellular data networks,they have their iPhone off or on Do Not Disturb mode,etc.