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Asked by: Anderson Prazeres
personal finance government support and welfareHow do I get a replacement EBT card in PA?
Just so, how do I get a replacement access card in PA?
You can request a replacement Pennsylvania EBTcard by calling 866-352-5878. You can request areplacement Pennsylvania Access Card online by clickinghere.
Hereof, how do I replace my access card?
Call Access Services immediately at1.800.827.0829 and select extension 3. Your old card will becancelled, and you'll be given information on how to request areplacement card. The charge for a replacement cardis $5.00.
Rule of Thumb: 7-10 Days to Receive a NewCard Most credit card companies will quote a timeframe of 7-10 days for receiving a new card in the mail.This time is usually overestimated though as most cards aresent out the same day or the next day, and arrive in 4-5days.