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Asked by: Wilhemina Cardero
personal finance home insuranceHow do I get an appraisal through the VA portal?
Consequently, how do I order an appraisal from the VA portal?
Log into WebLGY in order to request an appraisal. On the WebLGY home page, there are two links to the Request Appraisal page. Scroll the cursor over the Loan link in the top menu which will activate the drop down menu. Or, you can click on the Request Appraisal link in the lender workspace area.
Subsequently, one may also ask, how long does it take to get a VA appraisal?
10 days
VA appraisal guidelines can be strict and can eliminate fixer-uppers from contention. Many of the guidelines can be frustrating for military buyers who are considering older homes in need of renovation. If a home fails to meet the MPRs the buyer will have to decide how they want to proceed.