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Asked by: Yenny Intxaurrondo
style and fashion bath and showerHow do I get black marks off my shower floor?
Similarly, it is asked, how do you clean a badly stained shower floor?
Dust the shower floor with a thin layer of bakingsoda, then wet a cloth with white vinegar. Scrub the stainwith the cloth. If the stain doesn't come off easily, laythe vinegar-soaked cloth over the mark. Let it set for a fewminutes, then remove the cloth and rinse the floor withwater.
- Gather supplies. I grabbed a small mixing bowl, a jug ofbleach, a box of baking soda, a disposable paint brush, a roll ofplastic wrap, and a spray bottle.
- Mix up your cleaning solution.
- Apply the cleaning solution to the moldy caulk.
- Cover the cleaning solution with plastic and wait.
- Check on it.
- Now clean up.
Likewise, how do you get rid of black stains in the shower?
Tackle any remaining black stains on yourshower caulk with straight white vinegar. Pour vinegar intoa spray bottle and spray directly on the black stain. Leavethe vinegar on the black stain until the vinegar iscompletely dry.
How to Clean a Plastic Shower Pan
- Spray a dry shower floor with WD-40 and let it soak in for afew minutes.
- Scrub the floor with a scrubbing brush.
- Rinse the shower pan floor with warm water.
- Sprinkle the entire shower pan floor with baking soda.
- Fill a spray bottle with undiluted white vinegar.