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Asked by: Bacilia Meybohm
video gaming exercise and fitness video gamesHow do I get certified in aerobics?
- Make sure you're in good shape and able to exercise forlongperiods of time.
- Obtain certification in CPR.
- Choose the association from which to obtain yourgroupaerobics certification.
- Study for the certification.
In this regard, do I need to be certified to teach fitness classes?
You do not need a license toteachaerobics; however, most fitness centers and gymsonly hirecertified instructors. While each certifyingorganizationhas its own methods for training and certifyinginstructors, theyall require learning about anatomy, body mechanicsandteaching methods.
Also know, how much does an aerobic instructor make?
A Fitness Trainer or AerobicsInstructorusually receives an average wage ranging from24000 - 36000depending on seniority. Fitness Trainers andAerobicsInstructors earn an average salary of ThirtySixThousand One Hundred dollars on an annual basis.
To receive certification strictly inwateraerobics, potential instructors will need topass anAquatic Exercise Association (AEA) test. Along withacertificate to teach water aerobics, all employersrequiretheir instructors to be Cardio-Pulmonary Resuscitation (CPR)andfirst aid certified.