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Asked by: Izaskum Kellner
technology and computing tablets and e readersHow do I get Libby on my Nook?
Moreover, can I use Libby on my Nook?
On newer NOOK tablets (includingcolor-screendevices like the NOOK Tablet 7", NOOKTablet 10.1",and Samsung Galaxy Tab NOOKs), you can installour newLibby app or the original OverDrive app toborrow andenjoy ebooks and more from yourlibrary.
- Tap Read With to choose where you'd like to read thebook(Kindle or Libby), then finish sending to Kindle (U.S.librariesonly) or start reading in Libby.
- Tap Open Audiobook or Open Magazine to start readingorlistening to that title.
- Tap Manage Loan to see options like Renew and Return.
Furthermore, can I get library books on my Nook?
You can even borrow books fromyournook, an e-reader from Barnes and Noble, from yourlocallibrary. All you have to do is getalibrary card, download the proper program toyourcomputer, and navigate the online library.
The Barnes and Noble Nook firstgeneratione-reader is officially discontinued today.Customers are nowunable to purchase new content, register with account, orsign in using a NOOK account. Users willstill have accessto their purchased content and are able tocontinue sideloadingebooks.