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Asked by: Ovidio Tacchi
sports waterskiing and wakeboardingHow do I get more air in my wakeboard?
All they get is a lot of speed and not much height. Toget the big air, they need to get wide, drift inslowly from the outside with their knees bent, all whilemaintaining a strong body position. They should have therope tight when they reach the wake by holding edge againstthe boat.
People also ask, how fast should you pull a wakeboarder?
The proper speed to tow a wakeboarder is usuallybetween 15 and 25 mph. The bottom line when it comes to speed isthat the faster you go, the cleaner and more firm the wakegets, making it easier and more consistent for riders trying tojump or learn new tricks.
In respect to this, how do I get good at wakeboarding?
Beginner Wakeboarding Tips
- Wear a Lifejacket. Our wakeboarding tips section is noexception to this important boating safety rule.
- Use a spotter.
- Put your best foot forward.
- Use a beginner wakeboarding stance.
- Use a shorter rope.
- Stay close to the board at first.
- Distribute your weight correctly.
- Keep the tow handle low.
- Take one or two preliminary steps. Even if you're going to jumpstraight up into the air, adding a couple of lateral steps intoyour jumping routine can help you put some extra hop in yourstep.
- Drop into an imaginary chair.
- Push your body up with your legs.
- Breathe out as you leap.
- Land on the balls of your feet.