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Asked by: Liyu Talitskih
medical health heart and cardiovascular diseasesHow do I get my Apple Watch to always monitor my heart rate?
- From the “honeycomb” grid of apps onyourApple Watch, tap on Cardiogram to launch it.
- Swipe left when you see the heart rate chart.
- Tap the “Start” button to turn onthewatch's heart rate sensor (the green light ontheback).
Beside this, does Apple Watch monitor heart rate all the time?
You can check your heart rate anytimeusing the Heart Rate Glance. And when you'reusing theWorkout app, Apple Watch measures your heartratecontinuously during the workout. In addition, AppleWatchattempts to measure your heart rate every 10minutes, butwon't record it when you're in motion or your armismoving.
Considering this, how do I make my apple watch heart rate more accurate?
To get the most accurate heart ratemeasurementwhen you use Workout, make sure your AppleWatch fitssnugly on top of your wrist. The heart ratesensor shouldstay close to your skin.
Apple Watch alone cannot take abloodpressure reading. To use your Apple Watch tomeasureblood pressure, you will need a connectedbloodpressure monitor that has been medically validated foraccuracysuch as QardioArm, which has been clinically tested, FDAapprovedand has a CE Mark.