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Asked by: Shahida Baumer
family and relationships eldercareHow do I get power of attorney over my mother?
- Check the power-of-attorney laws in your parent'sstateof residence.
- Ask your parent if the power of attorney shouldbedurable or nondurable.
- Get a durable or nondurable power-of-attorney formforuse in your parent's state.
- Take the form to your sick parent.
Likewise, do I need a power of attorney for my mother?
To make a valid power of attorneydocument,your mother would need the mental ability tofullyunderstand what the document is and what it does--and to consent to giving you power of attorney. Ifshe'salready mentally incapacitated, it's too late for hertoagree to allow you to handle her affairs.
Subsequently, question is, can someone get power of attorney without consent?
No! Someone can sign a power ofattorney(or any legal document, for that matter) only if theyare legallycompetent to do so.
You can obtain the forms for your state'sversionof the Health Care Power of Attorney from yourdoctor, froma local hospital, a nursing home, online fromyour stategovernment website or from an online legal provider. Oneof thebest is Caring Connections for a free medical power ofattorneyform.