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Asked by: Shayan Anglsperger
automotive auto insuranceHow do I get proof of insurance from State Farm?
In this way, how do I get a copy of my State Farm insurance policy?
Log in to your online account on Above the vehicle description, click the Auto Policy. Click Request Insurance Cards. Indicate how you want to receive your insurance cards and if you need cards for additional vehicles.
- At first, on the you should log into your online account.
- And then you will click the Auto Policy above the vehicle description.
- As third step, you will click the Request Insurance Cards section.
Subsequently, question is, does State Farm have electronic proof of insurance?
The State Farm ® Mobile App, which provides an electronic insurance card, was created especially for those who are prone to file away insurance ID cards along with their insurance declaration — or else overlook them both in the mail pile by the front door.
Log in to track your claim. We can best assist you with a phone call. Please call 800-SF-CLAIM (800-732-5246).800-SF-CLAIM (800-732-5246).