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Asked by: Otmane Harkharov
hobbies and interests beekeepingHow do I get rid of ants in my mint plant?
Moreover, does mint leaves get rid of ants?
While it attracts 'good bugs' [like honeybees and hoverflies], mint also deters 'bad bugs. ' Repel ants and flies by growing pennyroyal mint right outside your door, or spray diluted peppermint essential oil (ten parts water to one part oil) around doorways and windows.
Simply so, how do I kill ants without killing my plants?
While you can purchase insecticidal soaps to kill ants in your garden, make your own instead, using simple dish soap. Add 1 teaspoon of dish soap to 1 pint of warm water and stir. Spray the soapy water directly on plants and around your garden to eliminate ants.
A Ants seldom feed directly on plants, but they can sometimes damage plants in other ways. When ant colonies build their nests under plants it disturbs the roots and deprives the plants of water. Ants feed off the honeydew excreted by various insects such as mealybugs, scale insects and aphids.