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Asked by: Yazza Herteis
home and garden landscapingHow do I get rid of cracks in my driveway with weeds?
Also to know is, how do I permanently get rid of weeds in my driveway?
Bring a solution of about 1 cup salt in 2 cups water toa boil. Pour directly on the weeds to kill them.Another equally effective method of how to kill weeds is tospread salt directly onto the weeds or unwanted grass thatcome up between patio bricks or blocks.
Accordingly, how do you stop grass and weeds from growing between pavers?
Polymeric Sand Prevents Weed Growth Between PatioStones
- Before applying the polymeric sand you need to remove existingweeds or moss from between patio stones or pavers.
- Use a broom to sweep the sand down into the joints.
- It's critical to remove all left over polymeric sand from thetop of the patio stones.
Why You Should Use an Alternative toRoundup Glyphosate is so widely used in the U.S. and around theworld that traces of the chemical have been found in breast milk,cotton products, beer, wine (even when made with organic grapes),eggs, oatmeal and non-dairy coffee creamer, among otherproducts.