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Asked by: Vladimir Kwatosk
technology and computing laptopsHow do I get rid of keyboard marks on my screen?
Keeping this in view, how do I get rid of marks on my MacBook screen?
For Tougher Stains – If your MacBook screenis especially dirty, you can make a solution of three partsdistilled water and one part distilled white vinegar or use acommercial LCD screen cleaner. Dampen a clean microfibercloth with the cleaning mixture and wipe down the displayuntil clean.
Keeping this in consideration, what is Staingate?
Taking a closer look, Staingate is the term usedto describe the issue that is causing MacBook Pro owners withRetina displays to wear off or peel, leaving what looks like large,ugly and obstructive stains across the screen.
Toothpaste marketed as non-abrasive stillcontains a small amount of an abrasive component, in order to beeffective for cleaning the teeth. This abrasive component gentlyremoves a thin layer of plastic from the lens, thus leveling outthe surface and removing scratches.