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Asked by: Deeann Olacoechea
home and garden indoor environmental qualityHow do I get rid of mold and mildew on my ceiling?
- Wash the area with a cleaning solution ofmilddetergent and warm water.
- Let the affected area dry.
- Mix one-quarter cup of bleach with one quart of water andapplythe solution.
- Wait for 20 minutes and apply a second time.
- Allow another 20 minutes to dry.
Similarly, it is asked, why is there mold on my ceiling?
Humidity problems occur when warm, moisture-ladenairinteracts with a cool ceiling, causing condensationandsubsequent interior mold growth. Liquid moistureproblemsare due to direct liquid water exposure, i.e. plumbingfailures,roof leaks, etc. Over time, mold growth occurred ontheceiling.
- Make a solution of chlorine bleach and water – usually1part bleach to 3 parts water – or get hold of ahouseholddetergent like Domestos bleach spray with bleach as anactiveingredient.
- Using a stiff-bristled brush, scrub the blackened area.
- Rinse thoroughly and dry.
Regarding this, is ceiling mold dangerous?
First, it's important to know just how badmoldcan be. Mold can cause difficulty breathing, eyeirritation,sore throat, sneezing, rashes, confusion, fatigue andmany othersymptoms that seem flu or allergy related.Dangerous blackmold can cause severe respiratoryproblems includingbleeding in the lungs.
How to Prevent Mold on Bathroom Walls andCeilings
- Step 1: Rinse the Affected Area. Identify the part wheremoldsbegin to develop.
- Step 2: Apply Beach. Mix bleach with water.
- Step 3: Rinse the Scrubbed Part. Make sure you rub thesurfacemeticulously.
- Step 4: Dry the Area.
- Step 5: Apply a Coat of Mold-Inhibiting paint.