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Asked by: Rossmery Coleman
home and garden home appliancesHow do I get the airlock out of my boiler?
The first way to clear an airlock, involvesattaching a hose pipe to the hot and cold taps at a sink inyour home and turning the cold tap on so that the waterflows through the hose pipe, into the hot water tap, removing theair.
Also to know is, how do I bleed my boiler?
Bleeding The Boiler
- Set radiator to the maximum heat setting and ensure the boilerbegins to circulate water.
- Turn off your central heating unit to stop airflow or waterfrom being pumped through the unit.
- The radiator closest to the heating boiler needs to be turnedoff using the valve.
Also Know, what causes air lock in pipes?
The main cause of an air lock in pipes iswhen pockets of air are trapped by the flowing water,preventing the free flow of water. Also, cold water pipeshave less pressure compared to the hot water pipes; as aresult, it's mainly hot water pipes that are affected byair locks.
How to Get Rid of Air in Water Pipes
- Shut off the main water valve by turning it as far clockwise asit will go.
- Open all faucets in your home.
- Turn the main water supply back on once no more water is comingthrough any faucets.
- Turn the faucets off one by one once there is a steady flow ofwater coming from all of them.