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Asked by: Odina Biscalaza
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow do I get the album artwork to show on Apple music?
Similarly one may ask, why is the album artwork not showing on Apple music?
If you are not seeing album artworkinApple Music, please try the following tips to resolveit.Update your iOS device to the latest version. You can updateyourdevice wirelessly by going to Settings > General >SoftwareUpdate. Force close the Music app andre-openagain.
Furthermore, how do I get album artwork on Apple music?
Choose Get Album Artwork. iTunes adds thealbumartwork. From the menu bar at the top of your computerscreen orat the top of the iTunes window, choose File > Library>Update iCloud Music Library.
Select the songs you are missing artwork for.Inthe iTunes menu bar, click "Advanced," then "GetAlbumArtwork." Once iTunes has retrieved the artwork,syncyour iPhone or iPod as usual. You can also usethird-partyprograms such as Cover Scout to help you findalbumartwork for your iTunes music.