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Asked by: Chieko Raulin
medical health eye and vision conditionsHow do I get the gunk out of my cats eyes?
- Dip a cotton ball in water. Wipe away the eyedischarge,always from the corner of the eye outward. Usea freshcotton ball for each eye.
- Steer clear of any over-the-counter drops or washes unlessyourvet has prescribed them.
People also ask, why does my cat have eye gunk?
Runny eyes can be a sign of an upperrespiratoryinfection, more commonly known as 'cat flu'.Cat fluis most commonly (over 90% of cases) caused byinfection withfeline calicivirus or felineherpesvirus. Runnyeyes may be caused by an eye ulcer.Ulcers can causeexcessive tear production as well as mucousdischarge.
Similarly, what is the black stuff in the corner of my cats eyes?
A dark crusty material in the corners oftheeyes can also be normal. Tears contain pigments thatwhenexposed to sunlight turn dark. This is not due to bloodorinfection. Two eye diseases unique to catsarecorneal sequestrum and eosinophilic keratitis.
Conjunctivitis in cats can comeandgo. However, if your cat has pinkeyefrequently, it may be time for your vet to look intomoreaggressive treatment or see if there is a seriousunderlyingproblem. In most cases, the infection will be gonein a fewweeks.