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Asked by: Jolanda Badiu
hobbies and interests card gamesHow do I get the Kanto starters in Pokemon Soul Silver?
Besides, what starters can you get in SoulSilver?
You have a choice of one of three greatstarter Pokemon in the "HeartGold" or"SoulSilver" games: Chikorita, a grass Pokemon; Cyndaquil, afire Pokemon; and Tootdile, a water Pokemon.
Considering this, how do you get Charmander in soul silver?
Choose your ame again and fly to Pallet Town, toProfessor Oak's lab. He will give you a choice ofCharmander, Squirtle, or Bulbasaur. You can either trade itwith someone who has it on a different game, find one in the longgrass on route 23 or get all 16 badges and beat red! Afteryou beat red at the top of mt.
2 Answers. You can get a bagon in thesafari zone by going into the swamp area and placing 9 forestobjects and 19 peak objects and waiting 110 days. Comes at level 45though. Or you can get a shelgon in the safari zone by goinginto the wetlands and placing 21 peak objects and only waiting 70days.