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Asked by: Annelle Schantl
music and audio games and hobbies podcastsHow do I get to Red Dragons in Brimhaven?
Furthermore, how do I get to Brimhaven?
There are several ways to get to Brimhaven, the quickest being the Teleport to House spell, assuming the player's house is in Brimhaven. More ways include teleporting to the Karamja lodestone, the charter ships, the amulet of glory teleport to Musa Point, or via the ship from East Ardougne (requires 30 coins).
Subsequently, question is, is there a bank in Brimhaven?
The closest banks are located in Shilo Village, if you have completed the Shilo Village quest and have access to Hajedy's cart, or the bank in Mor Ul Rek. Banking at Ardougne via the boats is another choice. The Brimhaven Dungeon is home to dragons (red, bronze, iron and steel) and several other monsters.
- The Wilderness: There are four locations where they can be found in the Wilderness: level 12-15 (North of the Goblin Village), level 18-24 (East of the Bone Yard and in the Forinthry dungeon), and level 48-52 (South of the Lava Maze).
- The Chaos Tunnels:
- Ancient Cavern (Brutal Green Dragons):