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Asked by: Florin Garcia Castro
business and finance government businessHow do I get TSLR online?
Applying for Patta Chitta Online
Visit the Government of Tamil Nadu's official websitedeveloped for revenue services - To view thePatta copy/A-Register Extract, select 'View Patta &FMB/Citta/TSLR Extract'.
Also asked, how can I get Patta online?
The following is the procedure for obtaining patta chittaonline.
- Step 1: Go to Patta Chitta Website.
- Step 2: Select View Patta & FMB / Chitta / TSLRExtract.
- Step 3: Details of Property.
- Step 4: Patta Chitta from Town Survey Land Register.
- Documents Required for Patta Transfer.
Also to know, what is TSLR?
TSLR means Town Survey Land Record. Field extractor town survey land extract act as the revenue land records forland in Tamil nadu. They are the equivalent of patta issued inmunicipalities and town areas.
In order to make the property registrationprocess transparent and more secure, the Tamil Nadu government hasnow proposed to make Pattas mandatory for transactions. APatta, also called the Record of Rights (ROR), is a legaldocument issued by the government.