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Asked by: Tarlochan Agrenev
real estate real estate renting and leasingHow do I give power of attorney to India from USA?
How to get a power of attorney? Steps for creatingaPower of Attorney
- STEP 1: Write the power of attorney on plain paper.
- STEP 4:FEES Pay the fee at the Consulate.
- STEP 5: Once your power of attorney is attested bytheIndian Consulate/Embassy you can send ittoIndia.
Herein, how do I send power of attorney to India from USA?
Here are the steps:
- Ask your bank to send GPA (General Power of Attorney)agreementdraft.
- Fill your details and take print out.
- Get it attested by Indian embassy OR local notary (somebanksaccept only embassy attested).
- Send it to your father (by courier or some onevisitingIndia).
In this regard, how do I get power of attorney in India?
The procedure to be followed by NRIs while making a PowerofAttorney deed is simple as follows:
- Draft the Power of Attorney for NRIs, print on a plain paperandsign it.
- Go to the Indian Embassy or Consulate in that country and getitstamped and sealed from the embassy.
Please understand that Power of Attorney holderisonly a representative of an NRI seller. The residentIndianbuyer should make payment only to the NRI seller inhis herNRE/NRO account. An NRI seller canauthorizePOA holder to accept payment on his behalf but cannotauthorizepayment to POA holder.