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Asked by: Nahid Siebart
music and audio tv and film podcastsHow do I go back in 15 seconds on YouTube?
People also ask, how do I go back a few seconds on YouTube?
No need to double-click the screen or find thebottomin the right corner. Just press F and yourYouTubevideo will take up the entire display instantly.Press J to rewind10 seconds. If you think of the K key asyour "play/pause"button, the key to the left will take you back10 seconds tosee what you just missed.
Regarding this, how do I go back to 10 seconds on YouTube app?
Open any video in the YouTube app. Double tapthevideo close to the right edge and the video will jump aheadbyten seconds. You will see forward buttons and'10seconds' appear on your screen to indicate how far aheadthevideo is going to jump.
Skip or jump in the video If you need to jump more than five seconds, holddownthe Ctrl key and press the arrow key for the direction you wanttojump in ten second increments.