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Asked by: Adalgisa Tsapelik
technology and computing photo editing softwareHow do I hide everything outside the artboard in Illustrator?
Furthermore, how do I delete everything outside the artboard in Illustrator?
Simply double-click the new object to access theclippedinformation or enter command+alt+7 to get rid of theclipping mask.The clipping maks will not remove the pathsand points thatare off the artboard - it will simply hidethem. Select allthe objects and CROP in the PathfinderPanel.
In this manner, how do I hide the artboard in Illustrator?
To hide the artboard boundaries,chooseView > Hide Artboards. The canvas is the areaoutside theartboard that extends to the edge of the220-inches squarewindow. The canvas represents a space on which youcan create,edit, and store elements of artwork before moving themonto anartboard.
If you want to export Only artboard areainillustrator CC. Go to Export> ExportAs>Check "Use Artboards". And choose desired formate.Andthen Click On Export.