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Asked by: Gerardus Orsingher
technology and computing web design and htmlHow do I hide HTML code?
- Launch your HTML editor.
- Locate the text within the HTML document you want tohide.
- Type "<" followed by "!
- Type "---" followed by ">" (no quotes and no spaces) at theend of the block of text you want to hide.
- Save your HTML document.
Furthermore, can you hide your website source code?
You can disable the right click, butthat's a bad idea because expert minds can readanything from your page. You cannot totally hidethe page source - this is not possible. Nothing issecure enough on the Internet. In any case, you canencrypt it and set a password.
Similarly, it is asked, how do you hide content in CSS?
There are multiple ways of hiding an element inCSS. You can hide it by setting opacity to 0 ,visibility to hidden , display to none or by setting extremevalues for absolute positioning.
it hides an element, but it will still take up the samespace as before. The element will be hidden, but still,affect the layout. visibility: hidden preserve thespace, whereas display: none doesn't preserve thespace. visibility:hidden preserves the space;display:none doesn't.