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Asked by: Maroua [email protected]
technology and computing web hostingHow do I host multiple websites on one GoDaddy site?
To host multiple websites on your hosting accountyoumust:
- Add the domain name to your hosting accountandselect a folder for its website.
- Upload the domain name's website's files intothefolder you select.
- Point the domain name's DNS to yourhostingaccount.
People also ask, can you have two domains for one website?
Pointing two URLs to the same website isagood way to direct traffic to your site fromseveraldifferent domain names. You can accomplish thisintwo ways: either redirect one of the URLs toyourprimary domain, or create an alias for one oftheURLs. The alias would point that domain towards yourprimarydomain.
Also know, how do I set up multiple cPanel accounts on GoDaddy?
Set up cPanel email accounts
- Log in to cPanel ( Shared Hosting / Server ).
- In the Email section, click Accounts.
- Click Create Account.
- Complete the on-screen fields, and then click CreateAccount.Note: Your Mailbox Quota counts toward your account's DiskSpaceand File count usage.
Unlimited hosting refers tounlimiteddomain hosting with unlimited disk spaceandunlimited bandwidth. As we can logicallyunderstandthat it is not feasible to provideunlimited in anyway.