Asked by: Altair Villasanta
technology and computing email

How do I import contacts into AOL?

Quick Steps to import CSV contacts into AOL Mail:
  1. 1 Once logged into AOL Mail, click on"Contacts" on the left.
  2. 2 Click on the Tools menu and choose"Import".
  3. 3 Pick a CSV file on your computer.
  4. 4 Select an import format (CSV, TXT, or LDIF).
  5. 5 Click on the "Import" button.

Similarly, you may ask, how do I download my contacts from AOL?

AOL WebMail

  1. Log in to your AOL WebMail account.
  2. In the left-hand panel, click "Contacts".
  3. Go to the Tools button and choose "Export" from the drop-downoptions.
  4. Choose "Comma-Separated Value (CSV)" for the File Type.
  5. Click Export.
  6. Save the file to your computer.

Also Know, how do I make a group contact list on AOL? Create a Distribution List or Group in AOL
  1. Select Mail | Address Book from the menu in AOL.
  2. Now select Add Group from the Group Options drop-downmenu.
  3. Type the desired name of your group under 1.
  4. Highlight any contacts already in your AOL address book who youwant to be members of the new group under 2.
  5. Click Add.

Just so, how do I transfer my contacts from one AOL account to another?

Import Contacts from Another Program

  1. Log in to your AOL Mail account.
  2. Select Contacts in the navigation pane on the left.
  3. Select the More drop-down menu in the toolbar at the top of thecontact list and choose Import.
  4. Select CSV and then choose Browse for File. Find the CSV filesaved on your computer.
  5. Select Open.

How do I sync my AOL contacts to my iPhone?

  1. Start the setting app on the home screen of iPhone.
  2. Scroll and select the “Mail, Contacts andCalendars”.
  3. Click on “Add account” and then on the list ofaccounts type click on “other”.
  4. Now click “Add CardDAV Account” which is locatedunder contacts heading.

Related Question Answers

Dedicacion Amiot


How do I delete old email addresses from AOL?

Scroll down and click the box beside each contact youwant to delete. Type a contact name or email addressin the "Find Contacts" search box to search for a specificcontact, then click the box beside the contact's name. Click"Delete" to delete the selected contacts andemail addresses from your address book.

Aldona Larrabere


How do I export contacts from Outlook to AOL?

Manual Method to Export Outlook Contacts to AOL
  1. Open your Outlook profile.
  2. Click on "File" from the navigation panel.
  3. From the drop down, click on "Import and Export"
  4. Select "Export to a file" to export Outlook contacts toAOL.
  5. Choose "Comma Separeted Values" from the drop down menu.

Blanche Machled


How do I edit a contact list in AOL?

From your AOL Mail inbox, click Contactsin the left panel. 2. Select the list you want toedit. * Mouse over the name you want to remove and click theX.

Carmen Zama


How do I transfer contacts from AOL to Gmail?

Import AOL Messages and Contacts Into Gmail
  1. Copy all messages you want to import from your AOL Mail SentMail and Spam folders to a folder named AOL Mail Saved Mail oranother custom folder.
  2. Log into your Gmail account.
  3. Select the Settings gear in Gmail.
  4. Select Settings in the menu that comes up.
  5. Select the Accounts and Import tab.

Maruxa Abegyan


How do I delete a contact from my AOL address book on my IPAD?

Tap the "Edit" button at the bottom of the contact'sinformation panel on the right half of the screen. Scroll down tothe bottom of the Edit panel and tap the red "DeleteContact" button. Tap "Delete" to confirm that you want toremove the contact.

Tarsha Canteli


How do I sync my AOL contacts to my android?

Select “Accounts” from the list, andthen select your AOL account. Tap your account name onthe following screen to open the account'ssync options panel. This panel lists all theavailable services you can sync with your AOLaccount, such as mail, contacts and calendars.

Octaviana Ramalhoo


How do I import contacts into Gmail?

To import contacts to Gmail:
  1. Create a custom CSV file, or export the address book from yourother webmail provider or email client as a CSV file.
  2. Sign in to Gmail.
  3. Click Gmail at the top-left corner of your Gmail page, thenchoose Contacts.
  4. Click the More button above the contacts list and selectImport.

Maksim Andrukhovich


How do I transfer my AOL emails to a flash drive?

Log in to AOL and click the "Mail" buttonto view your inbox. Click on the email you want tocopy to the desktop. Go to the "Save" menu and choose "On MyPC." Select the folder in the Personal Filing Cabinet to which youwant to save a copy of the email message and click"OK."

Sega Larracoechea


Where are my Google contacts?

Enter into yourbrowser's URL field directly to open your Gmail Contactsscreen.

How to Open and Access Gmail Contacts
  1. Open Gmail.
  2. Select the Apps icon in the upper right.
  3. Select Contacts, which will open a new window with all youremail addresses in it.

Gurnam Hynna


How do I find contacts on AOL?

From your AOL Mail inbox, click Contactsin the left panel. 2. Above your list of contacts, clickMore | Import.

Spiridon Reinards


How do I stop AOL from automatically adding contacts?

Go to from a laptop/PC, clickOptions-Mail Settings-Compose and on Sending, uncheck the''Automatically add email addresses to Contacts''option. Then scroll down and save settings.

Kaiet Davidsohn


How do I import contacts into Outlook?

Import contacts to Outlook
  1. At the top of your Outlook 2013 or 2016 ribbon, chooseFile.
  2. Choose Open & Export > Import/Export.
  3. Choose Import from another program or file, and then chooseNext.
  4. Choose Comma Separated Values, and then choose Next.
  5. In the Import a File box, browse to your contacts file, andthen double-click to select it.

Mailyn Camporro


How do I backup my AOL mail?

How to Back Up Mail in AOL
  1. Sign on to AOL.
  2. Click on "Mail" or "Email" on the AOL tool bar. Click "FilingCabinet."
  3. Right click on the folder to be backed up. Select "Save folderas."
  4. Type a new folder name in the "File Name" field on the "SaveFolder Screen."
  5. Repeat these steps for other folders in the FilingCabinet.

Rofaida De Wit


How do I add a screen name to my AOL account?

“To add or create an additional username,go to and sign in with your masterUsername and Password. Type the answer to your AccountSecurity Question and click Continue. In the Add a ScreenName box, type the Username that you wish to add andthen click Add.”

Evangelina Laarmanns


How do I add safe senders to AOL?

AOL Webmail
Here's how: Click on the Addresses tab in the upperright corner of the Mailbox window. Click on the New drop-down menuand select New Contact. Type the email address of the new contactin the Screen Name field and click the Savebutton.

Eulalia Boker


How do I copy and paste on AOL Mail?

To do this, open an AOL note form as before, butthen call up Word and open your document. Click the mouse cursor inthe document and tap Control + A to select all of the text. Nowpress Control + C to copy it all into the clipboard.Finally, go back to AOL and click inside the text in themessage form.

Kapil Werckmeister


How do I set up a group email list?

To create a contact group: Click Gmail atthe top-left corner of your Gmail page, then choose Contacts.Select contacts that you want to add to a group, click theGroups button, then create new. Enter the name of thegroup. Click OK.

Jafar Gazbac


How can I create a group email?

Create a contact group
  1. In Contacts, on the Home tab, in the New group, click NewContact Group.
  2. In the Name box, type a name for the contact group.
  3. On the Contact Group tab, in the Members group, click AddMembers, and then click From Outlook Contacts, From Address Book orNew Email Contact.

Radu Haddouch


How do I copy a group email list?

Sender of the group
  1. Create a new email.
  2. Add the group you want to share to the TO: line.
  3. Click the + sign and select all by pressing CRTL+A.
  4. Then copy by pressing CRTL+C.
  5. Then paste what you've copied into the body of the message bypressing CTRL+V, do add anything else to the message.