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Asked by: Alyce Asnoz
personal finance credit cardsHow do I inform the credit card company of a death?
Keeping this in view, what happens when a credit card owner dies?
After a family member dies, relativesaresometimes left to deal with their credit card debt. Whenadeceased person leaves behind debt, like credit cardbills,their estate pays off the balances. If there isn't enoughmoney topay them and no one else co-signed for the debt, creditorsmay beout of luck.
Accordingly, who do I need to notify of a death?
Notify local Social Security office. Typically the funeral director will notifySocialSecurity of your loved one's death. If not,call1-800-772-1213 or contact your localoffice.
A credit card company can garnish your wages ifitgets a money judgment against you. Credit cardcompaniescan garnish (take) your wages just like mostothercreditors. However, before taking part of your paycheck,thecredit card company must first: sue youincourt.