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Asked by: Fady Calviño
technology and computing computer peripheralsHow do I install EZCast on my TV?
Next, plug in the USB cable from EZCast Wire toyour Android phone, and use the EZCast app to discover theEZCast Wire device. Then you'll be asked to turn on the USBTethering function to complete the connection. Finally, yourAndroid phone screen will be mirrored on HDTV via the EZCastWire dongle.
Also, how do I connect my EZCast to my TV?
- WiFi Setting. Go to [WiFi Settings] to connect the device toGCC WiFi.
- Download & Install. For PC :- download the application filefrom
- Connecting. In your device, go to [Wifi Settings] to connectdevice to EZCast SSID (ie.
- Using EZCast. For Android device: – Click [EZMirror] inEZCast App ;
Also to know, how do I connect my EZCast to my WiFi router?
Use Internet setting to connect dongle to a localWi-Fi network. You will be able to connect theEZCast dongle to a local Wi-Fi network to access theinternet. Finally, connect your smartphone to the sameWi-Fi network to start screen mirroring online videos onyour EZCast-connected HDTV.
One thing to note is that EzCast doesn't needinternet connection to stream videos, pictures and music fromyour device to TV screen. This means you can use it even without arouter.