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Asked by: Exiquio Yraeta
hobbies and interests birdwatchingHow do I keep birds from nesting under my porch?
- Mount a plastic hawk on or near your porch.
- Hang reflective bird diverters from strings at three or four locations around your porch.
Beside this, what smells do birds hate?
Birds dislike the smell of hairspray, perfume and after-shave—they can be toxic. While birds possess olfactory glands glands, enabling them to smell, they do not rely on this sense as much as humans or other animals. Birds primarily use their sight and keen sense of hearing to find food and detect predators.
Also know, how do you stop birds from building nests under carport?
Place a rubber fake snake or owl somewhere on your carport. This should be enough to scare away the birds at first. Move the snake or owl around every two to three days. This should deter all but the bravest birds from roosting in your carport.
You can use chili peppers, apple cider vinegar, and water to make a homemade bird repellent spray to keep birds off your garden plants. To eliminate bird activity in your yard, spray this spray on your plants and other areas where birds tend to gather to keep them at bay.