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Asked by: Viktoria Zifling
home and garden landscapingHow do I kill weeds before seeding my lawn?
In this manner, should I kill weeds before planting grass seed?
Chemical weed killer kills the weeds and their roots, but may damage grass seed and leave pesticide residue in the soil, if you plant the seeds too soon after the herbicide application. If you choose to use weed killer, wait 2 to 3 weeks before planting new grass seed. Remove large rocks and break up clumps of soil.
Also to know is, how do you kill weeds before planting grass?
- Mow the weeds, grasses and unwanted plant material as close to the soil as possible.
- Till the soil 6 to 8 inches deep, then rake it smooth.
- Water the area slowly, until the soil is damp to a depth of 12 inches.
- Lay the plastic over the area.
- Remove the plastic in the fall, and till the soil again before planting.
Fill bare spots with a thick stand of turfgrass, and there's little room for weeds to get started. Early fall is an ideal time to overseed a thin lawn with new grass seed to help close those gaps. Scratch the seed into the soil surface or scatter it after aerating or dethatching.