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Asked by: Yassmine Massano
business and finance government businessHow do I know if bail has been posted?
Regarding this, what happens after bail is posted?
After the initial court appearancewhenthe bail is set, the bail will usuallybeposted and the defendant will be released from jail. Atthatinitial court arraignment, the court will set anotherfollow-update for a conference or for a hearing.
Additionally, what does it mean when it says bond posted?
It means the judge set a bail amount,itwas paid and he was released wit the promise to appear at acourtdate. This is very common.
Bail is simply an amount of money thatisdeposited with the court to ensure that you show up for allcourtproceedings. You can post your bail in cash withthecourt, and you will then be released from custody. However, ifyoufail to show up in court, you forfeit the money tothecourt.