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Asked by: Yizhong Ridderskamp
technology and computing emailHow do I know if I have a Gmail account?
Moreover, is a Google account the same thing as a Gmail account?
Google offers a bunch of different serviceslikeGoogle Photos, Youtube, Google+, andGmail.Gmail is a email service that is offered byGoogle.When you sign up for a gmail account, thegmailaddress that you create ends up being the googleaccountsign in for all the services offered byGoogle.
Then, how do you check when did I create Google account?
Click on the gear icon below your profilepictureand go to Settings > Forwarding and POP/IMAP. UnderPOPDownload, look for Status. If you haven't tampered withthissection at all, you'll see this message: POP is enabledforall mail that has arrived since followed by the date youcreatedyour Gmail account.
If you're already using a Googleproductsuch as Gmail, for example, then you have aGoogleAccount. If you're not sure you've signedup forany Google products, you can check by visitingtheGoogle Accounts password change page. Below themessage,you'll see a link to create a Google Account usingthatemail address.